Thursday, May 30, 2013

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The pain that woke me up from a dead sleep that next morning was absolutely excruciating.   I was home alone, and curled up in fetal position unable to move.  I was crying so hard, that I could barely get the strength to call my mom.  I had to tell her that I needed her help asap.  What was going on??  I had been getting ovarian cysts since about the 7th grade, but none of them had ever caused pain like this.  The pain was just was unbearable, and I just didn't know what it could possibly be.  What could possibly cause this much pain??  

                           The hospital would then become my home for the next 5 days. 


  1. Oh wow sounds like you really went through a bad time! Did they operate on you during your stay? I've been reading your blog and I also was going to keep quiet about my issue, I still have only really told a few family members and a couple of friends but I'm now at a point where I don't care if people know! I started my blog to get advice from others in this situation and also as an outlet for my own emotions. It can be quite a lonely process which is why I'm glad to have found the IF community on instagram! Look forward to reading more posts by you! Keep positive and strong! Love, hugs and baby dust xxx

    1. No they never performed surgery! I think opening up is a tough thing to do, but I also thing that there is just not enough awareness about infertility. Send me the link to your blog! I would love to read your story :) Prayers and love headed your way <3
