And there lies the
problem. My right fallopian tube was actually confirmed as a large hydrosalpinx. Let me break down this picture to
Down the middle you can see a white thin line... that is the
catheter, which is attached to my uterus. This is where they inject contrast (dye) and watch it go through my fallopian tubes and wait to see if it spills out into my abdomen. That of course would mean that the fallopian tubes are open. On the right side of the
picture, you can see some white stuff that looks kind of like smoke....that is
the contrast spilling out into my abdomen as it exits my left fallopian
tube. This is considered normal and what it is suppose to look like!
Now, compare this
to the left side of the picture. On the left side of the picture you
will see what looks like a large white mass. That is my right fallopian
tube. The reason why it is so large is because it is the
hydrosalpinx. (The hydrosalpinx is a closed fallopian tube that is dilated and filled with fluid.) The end of my fallopian tube is closed, not allowing the contrast to
exit and spill out. Therefore, it just continues to fill with contrast, making the
tube larger and larger.
And there you have it..... This was the whole existence of my infertility, right before my eyes.
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