Saturday, October 26, 2013

August 21, 2013: Post-Op Appointment

It had been 19 days since my surgery.  I was nervous for my post-op appointment, but at least the hard part was all over with!  The doctor looked at my incisions, and said that they were healing nicely.  My stitches were slowing dissolving and my incisions were shrinking.  There was only one incision where the stitches were trying to push themselves out of my body.  The doctor said to just let it be and they should eventually fall out or continue to dissolve.  No worries :)  I also told him that I had been in some discomfort on my right side where the tube was removed.  I asked him if was normal or if it could be phantom pain, due to the missing tube  (Yes I am always trying to diagnose myself)....but it was not.  He said that because my tube was burned off of my right ovary, it was most likely my ovary trying to repair itself due to being burned in the process.  My doctor told us that people can get pregnant with a hydrosalpinx tube...but... that mine was so bad, that I would have never have been able to conceive with that "thing" inside of me.  It was such a relief that it was finally gone.  Everything was looking good and we discussed what was next for us now that my surgery was behind us.  Miguel and I chose the route to try naturally now that my tube was  gone.  I really wanted to give my body a chance to get pregnant on its own, and find its way back to normality.  We discussed that if I am not pregnant by November, then I needed to start considering more aggressive treatment.  In the meantime, I would be tracking my ovulation and Progesterone levels on a monthly basis, to ensure consistency, without any medications.  I was going to be doing this with Ovulation Predictor Kits and routine blood work.

There are three things that could cause me to need further treatment: 
1) If I am ovulating properly with high Progesterone, and am still not getting pregnant. 
2) If my progesterone is not consistently above a 12 on a monthly basis.  
3) If I am not ovulating at all.  

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