Friday, November 14, 2014

May 10, 2014: Another Failed Cycle

     The shots ended up getting administered at work because of the times I had to do them.  I always made a co-worker do it.  

     When it was time for the ultrasound to check out the follicles, everything was looking great! We had 2 pretty big follicles ready to go!  I had the choice of continuing through an IUI or through intercourse at this point.  I chose to do the intercourse route so that we could try to keep things as natural as possible.  The doctor gave us specific dates to have intercourse once all the drugs were administered and the follicles were just right, and we had triggered.  

    I was sooo excited.  This could be it!! The moment we had been waiting for!  We had to wait quite a while before I could get my beta (pregnancy) test done.  I remember I was working at the shop with the hubby that day.  I was so nervous.  Anytime my phone would make a noise, I would get butterflies.  Finally the call we had been waiting for!!!!!!

     Another failed cycle.  I was crushed.  I just didn't want to keep putting myself through this mentally and physically.  It was just becoming too much to deal with.  Why didn't I get pregnant?  Everything was done perfectly.   Was this just not meant to be?   I cried for most of the day.  My next appointment was set, and I was scheduled to consult with my doctor once again....



  1. I've been following your journey and started on mine this year also with so much going on. I'm looking forward to more posts. Hope the holidays are going well for you.

    1. Hi Jessica!!

      I hope everything is going well for you!! Are you doing IVF also? I am a bit behind on my posts, but I am slowly catching up!! If you have any questions about anything, please let me know!!!!!! Happy Holidays!!

    2. I will be starting IVF in feb or march providing nothing I have going on bloodwork wise is not workable. I'm having my second tube removed next week. This is my blog with the whole story.

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