Thursday, August 13, 2015

Cycle Day 3: June 9, 2014: IVF is Official

It feels like I have waited forever to finally start this process!  As many people who haven't struggled with infertility may not know, you can not just jump in to IVF.  It takes a lot to get to this point.  When you finally get there it feels like an eternity.  It was Cycle Day 3, June 9, 2014 and my first IVF had officially begun.  I was a ball of emotions.  I had completed my baseline blood work, and began my birth control.  I don't know what the future has it store, but I pray this works.  I plan on trying to stay as calm as possible, and not stressing too much.  My body is going to be going through enough, and I needed to sit back and let science run its course.  Now I just need to make sure all of my baseline blood work comes back great and I can continue to be cleared for this cycle.  Let the journey begin!

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