Friday, November 6, 2015

Test Transfer Day!

Today was the day that they would be performing my test transfer.  I was quite nervous.  Basically what this means, is that they insert a catheter into the uterus as if they had an embryo in it.  They basically like to get a feel for the pathway they will be utilizing on the actual transfer day, and how easy the actual transfer will go.  This is to ensure that everything on your transfer day will go as smoothly as possible, and essentially they are not going in blind.  It doesn't hurt.  In fact, you don't really feel much.  I suppose that after so many catheters, needles, ultrasound probes, procedures, and drugs... you sort of become numb to these things.  All in all, it was a great day, and the test transfer went well.  The next time they do this procedure to me, they will be transferring my sweet little embabies inside of me.... right where they belong.  

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