Saturday, March 14, 2015

All Clear for IVF!!!

We are all clear!!!!


Pre IVF Bloodwork and Genetic Testing

Today was the day that we would be doing all of our pre IVF blood work and genetic testing.  They make sure that you are healthy enough to go through the extensive process, as well as test for many other things.  Genetic testing is optional, but we chose to do it.  It tests for several hundred genetic diseases and they send it off to another company called Counsyl who then delivers the results to you and your doctor's office.  They took three tubes of blood from Miguel, and ten tubes of blood from me.  I think that is the most blood I have ever had taken from me at a time!!  Miguel had never had blood work done previously, so he was not too excited about this at all.  It was all starting to feel so real.  We were really preparing to embark on this journey and we were in it together! Now we just wait for our bloodwork to clear so we can continue to the next part of this process.