Thursday, July 25, 2013

January 2013- Fertility Medication

So now that I was facing the issue with not ovulating enough, it was time for the next step.... Fertility medication.  One month my Progesterone was at a 10.6, and the next it would drop to a 6.4, it was never consistent.  My doctor wanted it to be above a 12 for some good quality ovulation.  Not too low, and not too high.  In case you didn't know, I am a total freak when it comes to taking any sort of medication.  I am the person that reads all of the side effects and thinks that they're all going to happen.  I don't like to take medicine, which is why I didn't take anything for my first dye study.  I knew it was something that I had to do in order to continue on this journey.  My Uncle told me, "You have to think of it like this... Are those side effects worth POSSIBLY going through, for what the outcome of this all may be?"  And the answer was yes.  A baby is worth it.  I was already willing to sacrifice myself and I wasn't even a mom yet.

I was keeping my options open at this point.  If this didn't work, then I was headed to possibly preparing for Invitro Fertilization (IVF).  My doctor told me to be prepared for anything.  I went in to the doctor's office to learn how to take my new fertility medication.  My life was like clockwork... always on a schedule.  Bloodwork/ Ultrasounds/ Pills/ Call the Dr./ Track everything/ Menstrual calander...blah blah blah.. With the fertility medication they told me that I had a 10% chance in having multiples.  Although I would love to experience being pregnant more than once, the multiples idea did not bother me.  At this point I would be happy with whatever God blessed me with.  Even if that meant adopting.  

The Clomid was an ovulating stimulus, which would improve my ovulation.  We would continue to try to conceive with "precision" while I was on the medications.  This was to be started on a very specific day after a menstrual cycle, and only for 5 days per month.  
 The Premarin was estrogen.  This was to assist in the lack of cervical mucus due that would occue due to taking the Clomid.  This was to be taken for 5 days, immediately after the 5 days of Clomid.  

I could only be on the medication for 4-6 months.  If it was going to to work and assist in getting me pregnant, it would work in that particular time frame.  I was finally excited! This could be it!  In just a few months, I could be pregnant... and I finally had some hope.  Let's do this!

                                                      Tracking  Clomid & Premarin

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